Toutankhamon Mask mysterious hearth resonator?
Hi everyone I would like to make you all aware of something I noticed I just finished a course in electrical engineering and was staring at the mask of Toutankhamon even this name if you split it up tout (all, everyone, or always) ankh (eternal life or lifeforce) amon (the unseen god) maybe it is always eternal life for the unseen god. It is super interesting that that’s his name.
I want to take you with me through this mask from an electrical perspective.
Let’s start at the bottom of it you see the big half-circle or bowl? In my opinion, a singing bowl resonates with his heart it is right on top of his heart so the heart beats life energy in that bowl then if you look higher to the stripes that are toughing that singing bowl looks like anode and cathode stripes almost like capacitor plates that store that energy and then true his third eye can send it out also true the cone on his head. I was recently watching something where they were mentioning the pyramids are a powerplant I think if you were this mask inside the king’s chamber it would resonate even harder and might be able to communicate that way to other planets they were supposed to come from or amon himself who knows super interesting thought. I type my observations down. You can see that the paint is very good and shows what it does. I thought I share it whit you all. Everyone have an awesome day!